User Defined Function Reference

Below is a list of the user defined functions for catagory: GuiMonthCal Management.
Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.


User Defined Function Description
_GUICtrlMonthCalGet1stDOW Retrieves the first day of the week for a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalGetColor Retrieves the color for a given portion of a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalGetDelta Retrieves the scroll rate for a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalGetMaxSelCount Retrieves the maximum date range that can be selected in a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalGetMaxTodayWidth Retrieves the maximum width of the "today" string in a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalGetMinReqRECT Retrieves the minimum size required to display a full month in a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalSet1stDOW Sets the first day of the week for a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalSetColor Sets the color for a given portion of a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalSetDelta Sets the scroll rate for a month calendar control.
_GUICtrlMonthCalSetMaxSelCount Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control.